3 Reasons Why Regular Professional Tree Care Is Essential

When was the last time you had a professional come out to look at any trees growing on your property? Are you under the impression that doing this is a waste of time and/or money? In an effort to try to avoid spending money unnecessarily, people will often try to DIY the care of any trees that happen to be growing on their property. While trees don't need as much work as, say, your lawn, they still need to be looked after by a professional from time to time. Some of the biggest reasons why this is so are as follows:

Pest control: You may not see any signs of termites or ants living in or around your tree but this doesn't mean that your tree is safe. There are other insect pests that can bother trees, such as the emerald ash borer. These beetles look relatively benign and the holes they make in your tree may not look all that impressive, but an infestation will surely kill a tree if not treated promptly. Fortunately, emerald ash borer treatment typically costs just a few tens of dollars. When compared to the several hundred dollars you might have to pay to remove a dead tree, this is a good deal.

Disease management: Different insect pests can be carriers of different plant diseases. Even if they are not directly responsible for a particular disease, various insect pests can provide pathways for diseases to enter the tree. If your tree or trees are in need of an emerald ash borer treatment, your problems aren't necessarily over once the treatment has been completed. Ask your tree care professional about different diseases that your tree could be in danger of catching and whether or not there are any preventative treatments that could help protect your tree.

Trimming: Sometimes, it's necessary to prune a tree back in order to allow it to gain strength and to grow stronger. These limbs may be crowding one another or may be full of holes that not even a timely emerald ash borer treatment can help with. Removing these damaged or diseased limbs will allow the tree to put more of its energy into allowing the stronger sections to grow and to flourish. After a trim, the tree might initially look sparse and underwhelming but it will soon bounce back with renewed vigor now that it no longer has to deal with the weaker sections.
